Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Paper Proposal

   For my final research paper, I want to build on paper two and explore Absorption in a little more detail. In the last paper, I focused on three definitions of absorption, and I'd like to do that again. This time, though, I'd like to specifically focus on the varying ways in which a person can be absorbed and how these ways differ (or are similar) to each other. For example, one of the definitions was "to be engrossed" and another is "disappearance through, or assimilation into." To me, being engrossed means that your attention is completely occupied, whereas disappearance means that nothing else exists but this book and you've slipped into the world of this book. In essence, these different ways are like varying levels, starting with "swallowing up," moving to "being engrossed," and then "disappearing."

   As for texts, I'd like to focus on The Female Quixote a little more. I felt like I did a lot of summary last time, and didn't pull out a lot of evidence, so I'd like to look more at her language while incorporating the idea of modeling her life after these books as a sort of 'script.' I'm also going to explore further what 'levels' of absorption are in the book, because I'm curious to see if I can point out specific moments of each type.

   Like last time, I'd like to draw in the Reading Experience Database and Un Pere de famille (Greuze),  but I think I might pull in another painting that depicts absorption, so that I can show that it's not just novels, but other types of work. I'm also going to look at ECCO. Within each of these specific works, I'm going to look at how the author or artist chooses to portray about the work and what this says about the piece.

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